Reflective Pastoral Supervision for clergy and coaches
Where coaching is generally short-term and focuses on movement towards a particular aim or goal, reflective pastoral supervision (RPS) is set within a spiritual/theological framework and offers a wholistic exploration of various aspects of your practice. Reflective Supervision addresses both the well-being and development of you the practitioner as well as those with whom you work. It supports lifelong learning and formation through shared reflection and exploring creative approaches to demanding situations. RPS is serious play and utilizes a variety of creative methods to help you dig past superficial answers to uncover greater self-awareness
RestorativeThe restorative function of reflective supervision supports you as person. How is your work impacting your well-being as a person? To what degree are your patterns of recovery and renewal adequately refreshing your spirit? How is it with your soul...and how is your call evolving?
FormativeThe formative function of reflective supervision supports you as a pastor or coach. What are the challenges you're currently facing in the work and how might you approach them? What do you shy away from and where are your growing edges?
NormativeThe normative function of reflective supervision supports you as an ethical practitioner as you navigate the boundaries, norms and expectations of your particularly context. Where are there risks to you or others and how shall you manage them?